Assignment DUE Tues Feb 3rd

1. Finish Night. Take notes on the ending; mark up your text as needed. Be prepared for a quiz on Tuesday, covering major moments and themes in the book.

2. Find 20 vocabulary words that are NEW to you, that you found within this book. Up to 8 of them may be foreign words (such as pipel or kapo), but most should be English words that you simply didn’t know (or were uncertain about) before encountering them in Night. Handwrite or type them, along with their definitions, and bring with you on Tuesday.

3. Identify at least 3 major “CLARIFYING or INTERPRETIVE QUESTIONS” that you have about the book Night. Include these at the bottom of your vocabulary sheet. Due Tuesday!

These questions should be interesting to YOU, because you’ll be stuck with one of them for a research paper!  🙂 So ask yourself: “Is there a fact, idea, religious concept, historical moment, political issue, character in Night, relationship in Night, AND/OR a specific moment or setting in Night that, if I understood it better, would help me better understand Night as a whole??” In other words, what do I need to better understand in order to more fully appreciate or “get” Wiesel’s text?

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